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Re-opening of Church - Mass Procedures


These are the issues which will be described in the procedures:

• Booking/ Reservations

• Arrivals/Registration

• Entrance and guided seating

• Exit and dispersal

• Cleaning/ Sanitising


Two designated ushers will be stationed to guide parishioners safely into church.

One will be positioned where the footpath meets the driveway to check arrivals against the pre-registered list and ensure 2 metres between households and the other will be in the porch to ensure hand sanitising, use of face coverings and direct parishioners to their seats. Members of a single household may enter and exit together, since they are exempt from social distancing.

The priest will advise parishioners how to depart in rows at the end of Mass and the ushers will oversee this and ensure that people do not congregate outside but maintain social distancing and return home immediately.

Ushers will also be on hand to oversee the use of the toilet. Whilst it it is not envisaged that this will be greatly used initially, A line marking 2m from the door should be marked to enable safe queuing. Parishioners using the toilet should be advised to wash their hands thoroughly and use disposable towels and to disinfect any surfaces they touch such as door handles, sink, taps and toilet seat/flush handle. There will also be a sanitising station and reminder sign at the WC door.

It is recommended that hand sanitiser is preferable to wearing gloves and that sanitiser dispensers are positioned at the point of receiving Holy Communion to be used to give added reassurance, where gloves are not recommended.

Exit and dispersal

Holy Communion will be at the conclusion of Mass and parishioners will exit immediately after, as advised by the priest before commencing Mass. The 2 metre rule should be observed in queuing for Holy Communion.

One usher will be at the exit of the church and the other will remain inside to assist cleaners with cleaning and sanitising and the disposal of cloths and equipment.

Cleaning and Sanitising After Mass

Two designated cleaners will be trained and fully equipped in where and how to clean and sanitise the church and facilities. A detailed schedule of items to be cleaned will be compiled by site visit and provided for the cleaning team.

Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs but, by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of infection.

Sanitising (or disinfecting) refers to the use of chemicals such as disinfectants to kill germs on surfaces. It does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs but reduces the risk of spreading infection by killing germs on a surface after cleaning.

• Disposable gloves and masks should be worn when cleaning and sanitising.

• Use only disposable cloths which should be collected and disposed of after each use.

• Gloves should be discarded immediately after each cleaning.

• Wash hands with soap and water immediately after removing gloves

• If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned with detergent.

• Clean and disinfect (sanitise) high-touch surfaces which are: light switches; door        

  handles; pews; chairs; kneelers; adjacent walls; toilets and sinks.

Routine cleaning will be resumed to complement the process. 




Tel: 01764 653269

Address: St Fillan's RC Parish

Ford Road, Crieff PH7 3HN


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