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Newsletter Sunday 7th November


St Fillan and St Margaret

Newsletter 7th November 2021

32nd Sunday Cycle B


Sunday Masses

Vigil Mass Saturday 5.30 p.m. St Fillan’s, Crieff

Sunday Mass 9.30 a.m. St Margaret’s, Comrie

Sunday Mass 11 a.m. St Fillan’s, Crieff

Daily Masses

Monday –Friday 9.30 am

Sacrament of Penance

Canon Tom will be available in the church at 5 pm on Saturdays

Facebook Live Service Monday

Monday 8th November 7.30 pm Q & A on the process of synodality.

Children’s Mass Today (Sunday) – Saints and Souls

Today we welcome in a particular way our children and families to the 11 am mass.

Thanks to all those who have signed up to help.

There will be another opportunity at today’s mass to do so.

‘Companions on the Journey’

the pilgrimage of faith we take together in strengthening and fostering a synodal Church towards the Synod of 2023.

Canon Tom invites the parish to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us here in our parish. He proposes the following outline

Monday 15th November and Wednesday 17th November setting up faith sharing groups to meet twice during the beginning of Advent. Folk can sign up then and on Sunday 21st November.

Weeks beginning 22nd and 29th November 1st Meeting of groups

Weeks beginning 6th and 13th December 2nd meeting of groups

Contacting Canon Tom by Email

Could all parishioners please use the parish email address when emailing Canon Tom?

That is:

or obtainable through the website.

From the beginning of November, Canon Tom will no longer reply to emails sent to his personal email account.

Blessing of graves during November

Canon Tom is happy to bless anyone’s grace during November (or at any time).

He proposes Sunday 21st November after the 11 am mass (weather permitting) for a short service in Crieff Cemetery followed by the blessing of graves.

November Envelopes

Lists are now available for your beloved deceased family, friends, and parishioners.

Men’s Night

We are organising a night out for the men of the parish on Friday 12th November in the evening. We plan to go Ten Pin Bowling in Stirling. This will be subsided by the parish and transport will be shared.

If you are interested, please contact Canon Tom.

Social around St Andrew’s Day

Could we perhaps have an informal social on Friday or Saturday before St Andrew’s Day (26th or 27th) in the church hall? Folk could bring what they want to eat, and the parish will put on a glass of wine, soft drink, or whisky and some shortbread.

Please pray for

The success of COP 26 and

the repose of the souls of Sadie Cramb, John Chapman, and all the faithful departed.


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Links for Online Mass

For our Sunday 11 am Mass, please see our YouTube channel. Please hit the 'like' button and 'subscribe'. It doesn't cost you anything but...

Kids' Bulletin

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Tel: 01764 653269

Address: St Fillan's RC Parish

Ford Road, Crieff PH7 3HN


Your generous donations allow us to continue spreading God's love and serving our community. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our parish.



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