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Newsletter, 5th September '21


St Fillan and St Margaret

Newsletter 5th September 2021

23rd Sunday Cycle B

Healing and Faith

Sunday Masses

Vigil Mass Saturday 5.30 p.m. St Fillan’s, Crieff

Sunday Mass 9.30 a.m. St Margaret’s, Comrie

Sunday Mass 11 a.m. St Fillan’s, Crieff

Daily Masses

Monday - Friday 9.30 a.m.

Sacrament of Penance

For the next month or so, by appointment.

Opening St Fillan’s for Private Prayer

We are delighted to announce that starting from Monday 13th September, St Fillan’s

will once again be open for private prayer from after the morning mass until

about 4 pm.

If coming to pray, please sanitise your hands, wear a face mask, and use a wipe to clean where you have sat.

Children’s Mass and Celebrating Community

Today we welcome children and families in a special way to our 11 am mass.

Deacon Malcolm and the children will be leading us in our celebration today.

Please come and join us afterwards for refreshments in the Hall.

If you would like to help organise the Children’s Mass, please contact Canon Tom.

The commitment is a meeting once a month to prepare, and then being there at the mass itself.

Facebook Live Service - Become Part of the Community

On Monday evening at 7.30 pm we shall reflect on how Jesus calls us into community.

Canon Tom invites you to become part of the community of St Fillan’s and St Margaret’s. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, please tune in for more details or get in touch with Canon Tom.

Welcomers and Cleaners

We all owe a great debt of gratitude to those who have welcomed others and cleaned the churches over the last year.

We now need more cleaners and welcomers, especially in St Fillan’s, to minister in

the months ahead.

Ordination of Rev. Andrew Brookes OP

Please pray for Rev. Andrew Brookes who will be ordained to the ministerial priesthood on Saturday 25th September at 12.30 p.m. for the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee.

For those who put their name down for the bus, details will follow

Rev. Brookes will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday in St Fillan’s at the 11 am Mass. We hope to have a cup of tea afterwards.

Please pray for

All who are affected directly by the Coronavirus outbreak, our healthcare and care workers, emergency services, and civil officials.

And for the repose of the souls of Andrew Gilfillan and all the faithful departed.

Attending mass in person

Please join us in person for mass when you are ready. Some provision has been made for those who wish to continue to physically distance. Please register if you can. This helps us with keeping a note of who is attending.

Blythswood Trust Shoebox Appeal

Shoeboxes will shortly be available for collection in the lower hall for the annual appeal. Please take a shoebox and fill it with the appropriate gifts to help people celebrate Christmas. We would ask boxes be returned by the end of October.



Tel: 01764 653269

Address: St Fillan's RC Parish

Ford Road, Crieff PH7 3HN


Your generous donations allow us to continue spreading God's love and serving our community. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our parish.



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